We’re Called to serve

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit “

Matthew 28:19

Altar Servers

All boys and girls who have celebrated their First Eucharist
are invited to be trained as Altar Servers. Serving at Mass
gives them an opportunity to learn more about their faith. Servers continue through their teenage years and beyond.

Scheduling is done through Sign-Up Genius in order to readily accommodate our families’ busy schedules.
Contact: Doreen Notar   dnotar@htrcc.org   908-232-8137

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

Since 1971, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have assisted priests and deacons with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during our Liturgies. They may also bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound of our parish.

This ministry is open to fully initiated Catholics (Baptism,
Eucharist, Confirmation), at least 18 years old, who actively participate in the sacramental life of the Church. After
receiving training, the Eucharistic Ministers are mandated by the Archbishop and commissioned for this role in the parish.

Scheduling is done through Sign-Up Genius.
Contact: Isabel Rasolio  isarasoilo@gmail.com 732-322-4201

Funeral Ministry

At the death of a Christian, the Church ministers to the
sorrowing and consoles them through the Funeral Rites with the comforting words of Scripture and the Celebration of the Eucharist. We worship together in praise and thanksgiving to God for the gift of a life that has now been returned to God.  The Mass, the memorial of Christ’s death & his resurrection, is the principal celebration of the Christian funeral.

This rite relies on the community in the form of a greeter at the door of the Church welcoming the mourners, an acolyte leading the procession & serving the celebrant at the altar, a lector sharing Scripture, and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Friends & family often fill the roles of Lector. Of course, our Music Ministry participates in sacred songs.

Contact: Kathy Skrupskis  adultfaith@htrcc.org
908-232-8137  ext. 1004


Greeters are called to be Ministers of Hospitality. They are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to everyone who enters our doors. With a genuine welcome, greeters embody the parish’s vision of creating a community with extra care for the first-time visitor, the elderly in need of assistance, and the restless child who can be soothed with a crayon and some paper.

Contact: Sheila Gagliano     sheilagagliano739@comcast.net

Our Lectors proclaim the Word of God by making the text come alive for the listeners. In order for the Liturgy of the Word might be effective, lectors are expected to be prepared spiritually, scripturally, and practically.

Spiritual preparation involves understanding the text and
interpreting it sufficiently in order to evoke a response from the assembly. Practical preparation involves mastering
difficult words, right pronunciations, and practicing the  delivery of the text. Lectors read the appointed Scripture of the day and, in the absence of a Deacon at the Mass, they lead the Prayer of the Faithful.

High School-aged and adult men and women are invited to serve as Lectors. Occasional seminars and refresher opportunities are offered. An annual workbook containing the Sunday scriptures is provided. Scheduling is done through Sign-Up Genius.

Contact: Bob Fromtling bob.fromtling@gmail.com

Lectors or Readers

Media Ministry

Holy Trinity livestreams weekend Masses, some special events, and funerals requiring an individual to be at the controls. This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to livestream from an award-winning Producer-Director.

It’s a chance for someone interested in gaining some expertise in media and graphic design. It’s also a rewarding volunteer position for anyone hoping to gain service hours or learn something new.

Contact: William Nunez   media@htrcc.org

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry leads worship services with music and song at all weekend celebrations of the Eucharist, Sacraments, Holy Days, and Prayer Services. Composed of several choirs, cantors, and musicians of all ages offering music that invites more prayerful active participation in the Liturgy by embracing the Gospel message.

Current rehearsal schedules are posted on the church calendar and weekly bulletin.

Ushers greet those gathering for the Eucharist, assist with seating, arrange for the Presentation of the Gifts, take up the Offertory collection, distribute the Sunday Bulletin, and “direct traffic” during the distribution of Holy Communion. This ministry is open to men, women, and teens.

Volunteers are assigned to one Mass each weekend and
encouraged to assist on Holy Days of Obligation and at
special liturgical events.  As the oldest ministry of the Catholic Church, the Ushers are truly the unsung heroes of our parish liturgies.

Contact: Deacon Keith Gibbons kgibbons@htrcc.org
