We’re Called to serve

Come, make a difference!

Social Club

Holy Trinity Senior Social Club gathers on the second Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Parish  Center, with a few exceptions.

This group of adults 55+ meets to spend a social afternoon that generally includes a speaker or great entertainment.

Annual dues are $10. New members are always welcome!

Contact:    Eleanor Wall 908-925-5454

Holy Trinity Women’s Book Club

Open to all women of the Parish, the book club provides an opportunity for lively discussions on spiritual issues, modern society, and historical perspectives in shared readings. Great reads are chosen by consent of the group. They include biography, non-fiction, fiction, and spirituality.  

Contact:  Madeleine Lee at leemad88@gmail.com

Hope Heals — Cancer Care

This group of Christian volunteers walks with and assists families as they cope with cancer. Practical support with meal preparation, transportation, housekeeping, yard work,
childcare, grocery shopping, running errands, legal, insurance, and research assistance are available.

Volunteers also provide spiritual support.

Contact:  Patricia Martin  pmartin@htrcc.org
908-232-8137  ext. 2004

Peace & Justice Ministry

This group is committed to raising awareness of social justice issues such as hunger, homelessness, and poverty in light of catholic teaching.

They advocate for change in accord with the Gospel’s preferential option for the poor as well as our moral obligation to be faithful citizens.

Guest speakers, articles shared in our weekly bulletin, and letter-writing campaigns to our elected representatives facilitate these efforts.

Contact:  Walter & Madeleine Korfmacher    

Walking Spirituality Experiences

Taking walks as pilgrims in parks and in some local neighborhoods provides perspective and enriches our experience of the world within which we live.

A major walking pilgrimage is held on a Saturday in June. Check the parish website and weekly bulletin for news of the next walk.

Past walks have traversed the length of Long Beach Island, meandered within Central Park, and explored more local natural jaunts.

Coordinator: Shawn McNamara   shaunmc7@yahoo.com

CYO Basketball

Holy Trinity participates in the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Basketball Program, which is designated to demonstrate Catholic values, teamwork, physical fitness, and good sportsmanship. Teams play here and travel to other parishes. Our program is open to boys and girls in grades 2 to 12 whose families are Holy Trinity parishioners. Teams form in October, and games are played from December through March.

Contact: Erin Pettit pettit.ear@gmail.com

Boy Scouts 

Boy Scouts of America is dedicated to instilling in young men and women timeless ideals of the Scout Law, such as being trustworthy, helpful, kind, and brave.

From once-in-a-lifetime adventures to merit badges that spark interests and future careers, from campouts under the stars to service projects that leave a lasting impact on communities, Scouting’s year-round program expands horizons and provides young people with a safe and welcoming place to learn, grow, and thrive.

Boy Scout Troop 73 has been sponsored by Holy Trinity for nearly 90 years and claims 108 Eagle Scouts.  You may join the troop from age 11 to before 18 years of age.

Contact: Bob Fromtling  bob.fromtling@gmail.com  