RCIA — Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

 the process by which interested adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church. These adults may be:


- Those who have never been baptized
- Those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition
- Those who have been baptized Catholic, but have had little no formation in the faith.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults helps adults to grow in their relationship with God, become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices, get acquainted with people in the parish, and become involved in service within the parish or the wider community.


For Those Already Baptized

Those already baptized, called Candidates, also enter upon a four stage process: the Inquiry Period, the Formation Period, the Lenten time of Prayer and Reflection in preparation for completing their initiation by celebrating Confirmation and Eucharist, usually on the Second Sunday of Easter. 

For the unbaptized 

Inquirers meet with members of the RCIA Team and tell their own stories and connect them with the Gospel story. If you desire to continue on this journey, you will learn the teachings of the Church and become familiar with Catholic traditions and practices.


Final Steps

During the Easter Season, is the time when new Catholics meet to reflect on all that they have experienced and to explore and deepen their understanding of the mysteries of the faith.