In addition to the precautionary measures that have been reinforced such as frequent hand washing, distancing from others, stay home when sick, clean and disinfect surfaces and objects, additionally consider the following measures:
Make sure you have fever reducing meds at home such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Advil ). Also have cough medicine of your choice such as Robitussin and Mucinex and fluids with electrolytes such as Gatorade. Please make sure these are not contraindicated with any pre-existing conditions. *Addendum by our Parish Nurse* There has been confliction information regarding the safety of taking ibuprofen if symptoms occur from COVID-19 (Coronavirus) for precautionary measures, consult your physician before taking this medication.**
Stock up on a two-three week supply of food and water
Make sure you have enough supply of your regular prescription medications
If you have a history of asthma, make sure you have a prescription inhaler such as the “rescue” inhaler, Albuterol.
Humidifiers are good to have, however, steam from a hot shower and breathing in the steam works just as well.
Stock up on essential household items such as toilet paper, tissues, cleaning supplies, etc.
It’s a great time to make batches of your favorite soups and freeze!
Maintain electronic versions of your health records from doctors, hospitals and pharmacies and make copies if feasible
Good idea to choose an area or room in your home with or near a bathroom that can be the “sick room” to keep away from others
Stock up on baby care items
Don’t forget about your pet and his/her food and supplies!
You can get updated information from the Town of Westfield website. If you know of any home bound person or neighbor that may not have access to computers or social media please contact the Town
(908) 789-4040 and they will notify the Police department who can deliver supplies to them if needed.
You can email me at as I will be checking on a regular basis.
Stay well,
Lori Arena R.N.
Parish Nurse Holy Trinity