To Mask or Not to Mask, No longer a question, but now new guidelines….. 

So much data, so many theories, even the CDC is changing its mind….At the end of the day what is best is to protect you and your family. Stay Home/Stay Safe and when out follow all the recommendations and precautions. CDC now recommends wearing face cloth masks in public settings where social distancing may be more difficult to maintain (such as grocery stores or pharmacies). If you don’t have cloth masks, they can be easily be made with simple, common items you already have at home such as a cloth scarf or bandana and elastic bands. There are you tube videos demonstrating how to make them. 

Cloth face covering should: 

  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the sides of the face 

  • Be secured with ties or ear loops (such as hair ties, rubber bands) 

  • Include multiple layers of fabric 

  • Allow for breathing without restriction 

  • Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape 

Wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, washing our hands all means we are doing what we have been told to protect ourselves and others to help prevent the spread of the virus. But what happens if we or our loved one has symptoms? DON’T PANIC…. 

Symptoms: When to call the Doctor? The majority of cases are being managed at home. Sore throat, dry cough, fever tend to be the presenting symptoms. Loss of smell and taste has also been documented. Contact your doctor who will guide you as to what meds to take and where to go for testing, if he is recommending that. People are checking in with their physician as they move through the illness. If shortness of breath gets worse, then hospitalization is recommended.  

Maintaining a positive outlook and develop some coping strategies: Take breaks from watching, listening or reading updates on the virus, take care of your body by exercising and getting enough sleep, eat healthy with well balanced meals, practice some deep breathing and stretching exercises. What I’ve been noticing is that people are getting back to the basics! We are all going stir crazy from being cooped up inside so there’s more walking, riding bikes and sitting outside on lawns and porches.  

New Jersey has a great state web page Local municipalities are letting their people know what is happening in their town. It’s important to understand what is happening but it needs to be balanced with huge doses of prayer, discernment and inspirational reading. Trails of Plasma from recovered COVID-19 are in process and show promise. It is truly amazing to see a global effort by researchers to come up with a vaccine and medications that can successfully treat patients.  

Holistic care always brings us back to Mind, Spirit, & Body. The MIND making the decision to trust in God. Don’t panic… breathe. SPIRIT: Trust=Peace. BODY: eat right, Exercise, encourage others, wave to you neighbors, pray fully ask, “How can I help? “ “Are you okay?” A gentle question that shows you are open to talking more. Pray always changes things…and is always a comfort to help us and guide us. 

 We are here for you at Holy Trinity to pray with you, help you and walk with you through this journey. 

Lori Arena R.N., Parish Nurse 

Cell: 337-4103 
